Classes for Adults, Young Adults, Youth, and Children of every age.
Classes for Adults, Young Adults, Youth, and Children of every age.
No Wednesday night meetings on February 19th (Winter Break).
For those married 25 years or more.
See the Sign-Up Sheet in the foyer.
No Wednesday night classes
For students entering Kindergarten – entering 6th grade
Look for registration information this Spring!
More details to follow
The mission of Rockdale Community Church is to go into communities and nations to make disciples by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the Scriptures, and baptizing believers in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Rockdale Community Church
(770) 922-0107
2455 Old Salem Rd SE, Conyers GA, 30013
“A Band of Brothers” is a mid-week men’s Bible Study/accountability class that meets every Wednesday from 6:30 – 7:45 pm at the church. Our prayer is that this time together will become a real unifying time for the men of RCC as we gather around God’s Word, encourage one another in the faith, and strive to properly answer His call on our lives as spiritual leaders, both at home and in the church. That call is summed up in these inspired words from the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14: Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
Here are a few things we’ve engaged in the past:
We encourage you to join us in the fight for growth in godliness, for “as iron sharpens iron, so shall one man sharpen another.” (Prov. 27:17)
The Women’s Ministry of Rockdale Community Church exists to promote a deeper knowledge and love for Jesus Christ by providing opportunities through Bible Study, fellowship and outreach for women in all stages of life. We joyfully submit to the Elders of RCC and their leadership of this local body of believers. We would like to extend our invitation to you to participate in any of the opportunities available. You may join in at any time.
Bekah Kirkland, Coordinator
Bible Study
On Wednesday night we gather together to study God’s word. Our study times are normally from 6:15PM to 7:45PM. Please check the calendar for any changes in the schedule.
Previous Studies
Each year, the women’s ministry of Rockdale Community Church sponsors a Baby Shower Brunch to help to support the local Pregnancy Center. The Women of RCC provide the brunch items and bring a new baby item to donate to the center. We also send a special invitation to the Volunteers and Staff of the Refuge Pregnancy Center in Conyers. The purpose of this shower is three-fold:
The vision of the RCC Children’s Ministry is three fold:
Sunday Morning
We invite you to join us for Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.
Mid Week
KID’S ROCK, our midweek children’s program, for Kindergarten through 6th grade, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:45 p.m. during the school year.
Vacation Bible School
Children entering Kindergarten through entering 6th grade are invited to our annual VBS. Next year’s program will be The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation from AnswersVBS.
The dates are June 24–28, 2024 – please check back as we get closer for more information about registration!
In alignment with our vision, we take the responsibility of our children very seriously. We have recently drafted a Policies and Procedures Manual to include online training that provides structure and safety precautions for all of our children, birth thru youth. We also perform background checks of anyone involved in area with our children. These policies are reviewed on a regular basis to determine if anything should be added to them or taken away from them. We welcome any feedback on our policies.
At Rockdale Community Church we believe training up the next generation is a responsibility belonging to all of God’s people. The leadership in the home, ministers in the church, and members of RCC are to work together in fostering spiritual growth and unity among rising generations. The Bible instructs the people of God to train up their children in the testimonies and laws of the Lord (Psalm 78:1-8). It is our aim to assist the home in teaching the next generation to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and might (Deuteronomy 6:5). We seek to accomplish this by example and formal teaching. We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). RCC strives to prepare the next generation of leaders with a biblical apologetic that speaks truth into a world that rejects the design and purposes which God has established.
If you are between 7th and 12th grade and are interested in growing in fellowship with Christ and other peers, we invite you to join us on Wednesday nights. We meet weekly at the church in modular building #3. Gather at 6:15 p.m. for refreshments. Lessons begin at 6:45 p.m. We look forward in meeting you!
The Small Group Ministry at Rockdale Community Church functions during two seasons of the calendar year – from March through May and September through November. We intentionally change the membership in each group each season in order to allow people to interact with different people and to guard against a group becoming a “clique.” Small groups do not exist to become “little churches within the church.” They exist to ultimately edify the entire body by striving for the following goals:
We pray that you consider joining in this vital body life ministry.
Moe & Git Montenegro
Campus Outreach Serve
Dept. #485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458
Andrew & Jamie Harris
Birmingham, England
Campus Outreach Serve
Dept. #485
PO Box 4458
Houston, TX 77210-4458
Scott & Angela Shepherd
Auburn University
PO Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32862
Caleb & Melissa Gibello
Papua, New Guinea
PO Box 629
Landing, NJ 07850
Ken & Connie Temple
Faith Global Missions
5526 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, Indiana 47905
Ken Email:
Lenden & Gemma
Western Europe
Mission to the World
PO Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374
Imbumi & Martha Makuku
Kenya Mercy Ministries
PO Box 3130
Manassas, VA 20108
Ryan & Emily Currie
Training Leaders International
PO Box 310
Wheaton, IL 60187-0310
Jessi Fincher
Greater Augusta FCA
Refuge Pregnancy & Resource Ctr.
1307 Milstead Ave.
Conyers, GA 30012